Are Labradoodles Picky Eaters? (And What to Do About It!)

Labradoodles are great family pets and one of the most loyal and trusted dog breeds. 

If you are thinking of getting a Labradoodle or already own one, you might be wondering about their eating habits and how you should feed them for optimal health.

You might also be wondering if they are picky eaters. 

Are Labradoodles picky eaters?

Labradoodles are not known to be picky eaters. They will eat the same food for years and they are even known to eat some inedible things like rocks and socks. Labradoodles have the potential to become picky eaters though if you overfeed them treats or if they develop a health condition. 

If your Labradoodles is a picky eater, you might need to reevaluate their behavior and see what might be causing it. 

In this article, we will discuss how to make sure your dog doesn’t become a picky eater and we will give you tips for keeping them healthy. 

Why Is my Labradoodle a Picky Eater? 

Some Labradoodles might just be picky from birth. To try and curb this, you can be careful about the food you give them and don’t give in when they beg for table food or extra treats.

If your Labradoodle wasn’t always a picky eater though and the habit is new, you might want to make sure they are healthy and that you aren’t giving them too much table food. 

Too much Table Food or Treats

Too much table food or too many treats is one of the main reasons why Labradoodles become picky and don’t want to eat their food anymore. 

They learn to like the treats more and then don’t want normal food. 

Start by giving your dogs fewer treats and leave their bowl out at mealtime to try and show that you expect them to eat. 

Some Labradoodle owners also just give their dog a few pieces of their regular dog food as treats rather than something that might be more appetizing to the dog. 

This allows them to still be rewarded but without the more flavorful treats that they might like more. 

Are Labradoodles Picky Eaters 1 Are Labradoodles Picky Eaters? (And What to Do About It!)

Recent Vaccination

If your dog just got a vaccine, it might be feeling sick for a few days and have no appetite. This is normal and has no cause for concern.

If it lasts longer than a few days, you might want to give the vet a call and explain what’s happening. 

New Setting

Many dogs, and Labradoodles included, are a creature of habit. 

They like for these food bowls to be in the same place and they generally like to eat at the same time every day. 

If you just moved or are on vacation in a new setting, give them a few mealtimes to adjust. 

They will probably start eating again once they get used to the new surroundings. 

Since you are already changing the setting, you need to keep the food consistent. 

Make sure to bring your dog’s normal food with them on vacation so they can still have some comfort at home. 

Additionally, if you have switched to lower quality food, your dog might notice the taste is different and it will not appeal to them.

A change in food can be just as confusing as a change in setting.  

Allergies and Food Intolerances 

Just like humans, Labradoodles can develop allergies and food intolerances.

This can come from new foods, or it can start from the food you have been feeding them for years.

If your dog is suddenly a picky eater, try to look out for signs of gastrointestinal upset. 

Their stool might be yellow instead of the normal brown color. 

You might also see them vomiting or trying to eat grass to settle their stomach. 

You might also notice them excessively itching or getting chronic infections in their ears. 


If you have stress in the home, it will affect your dog the same way it affects you and other people in the same house. Stress will cause dogs not to eat. 

You might also find a change in their behavior or find them pacing or barking more often. 

They might also start having destructive behaviors such as chewing and digging.

Try to make the home less stressful and be home for them more often if you can.

Labradoodles tend to have separation anxiety. 

Other Health Problems 

Your dog might also start avoiding food if they have developed a health problem.

If they have suddenly stopped eating, try to check their next stool for any signs of worms or blood that might signal something going in their stomach. 

If you notice your dog avoiding their food without any other changes to their diet, you might want to consider scheduling an appointment at the vet’s office. 

If they have worms or other gastrointestinal problems, they need to be treated promptly.

Why Is My Labradoodle a Picky Eater Because They’re Sick? 

Most of the time, your Labradoodle not eating has nothing to do with the fact that they’re sick. 

However, in some rare cases, the lack of appetite and the fact that they are picky eaters could signal a more serious health problem that you need to pay attention to. 

Dental Problems 

Cavities and gum disease are possible in dogs just like humans. They can cause serious problems if left unchecked for too long. 

Dental problems can cause your dog to not want to eat because of tooth pain or an abscess. 

If you suspect dental problems take your dog to the vet right away. 

Organ Dysfunction  

This is a rare cause of your Labradoodle not wanting to eat, but it can happen. If they stop eating, it’s usually because of organ dysfunction in their liver, kidneys, or intestines. 

Organ dysfunction can start as a result of cancer, obesity, or poor diet. 

Your vet will be able to check for organ problems and tell you if there is a cause or if it may be something else. 


Certain infections can make dogs eat less. Most infections can be solved by basic antibiotics, so you can easily take the dog to the vet and see what they say.

Some infections though, like dog bites or contaminated food needs to be treated promptly. 

If you suspect an infection, call the vet and explain that you want your dog seen right away. 

Upset Stomach 

Your dog won’t eat if they get an upset stomach, much like adults and children. 

Naturally, they don’t want to eat if they have been having diarrhea or vomiting. 

Upset stomachs usually happen in dogs because they ate something foreign or they got into some food or garbage. 

Dogs can also have indigestion and other stomach problems that are common to humans. 

If the problem is an upset stomach, give the dog 24 hours to heal. 

Most problems will go away by themselves. If it’s been a day and the problem persists, take your dog to the vet. 

How Can I Make My Labradoodle Eat? 

Having a Labradoodle that won’t eat can be annoying and tricky. 

You might often feed bad and wonder what you can do. Here are some tricks to follow. 

Change the Food

First, try to get a new dog food brand and see if they like it better. 

Dogs can get tired of eating the same food all the time and they might find their old food unappetizing. 

Change the food out and see if it makes a difference. 

Give it some time

Before doing a drastic overhaul of food, see if the problem will go away on its own. 

If the problem was a small infection or upset stomach, you will probably find that the problem goes away within a few days and there is no need to buy new food or make changes. 

Do more exercise 

Your dog might have more of an appetite if you make them exercise first. Take them for walks or play with them in the backyard before mealtime. 

With excess calories gone and more energy spent, they will be more likely to eat. 

Warm the food up 

Sometimes warming the food will give off stronger odors that your dog might be attracted to. 

Zap the food for a few minutes in the microwave and then see if your dog will give it a try. 

Final Thoughts 

In general, Labradoodles are not picky eaters. Pickiness or fussiness when it comes to food is usually a result of having a health problem or wanting different food. 

Changing your setting and changing the dog’s food too often can leave them without an appetite and make them not want to eat. 

Too much table food can also cause them to not want to eat their regular food. 

In most cases, these can be fixed by retraining them and giving them the old food that they liked. 

If you suspect health issues though, you need to take them to their vet right away to rule out any serious issues that can be fixed with medicine or surgery.  

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