Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic? Answered!

Whether you have dog allergies or simply don’t like finding dog hair and oils around your house, you may be looking into hypoallergenic breeds. It’s hard to resist the cute little face of a Shih Tzu, but are they hypoallergenic?

Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic 1 Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic? Answered!

Are Shih Tzus a hypoallergenic breed of dog?

Shih Tzu’s are hypoallergenic. They are a dog breed that barely sheds any hair, which means the dander and other particles that usually cause allergies in people who suffer are not shed. All dogs will shed a little, and the Shih Tzu is one such dog. Still, like other hypoallergenic dog breeds, the amount they shed is minimal and doesn’t usually cause issues for allergy sufferers.

The tiny Shih Tzu, like other dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic, has hair instead of fur, which grows slightly different and doesn’t shed like a typical dog breed.

It is important to know what type of allergies a person has before selecting a dog, regardless of breed, and choose a dog accordingly. Every dog, even the Shih Tzu, has the potential to cause allergies in those who suffer, even if they are labeled hypoallergenic.

It is up to the family or individual to discuss options with their doctor before selecting a dog. Some people can tolerate hypoallergenic dogs, while others may not be able to for other reasons.

For instance, hypoallergenic means that their hair and dander are not likely to cause issues, but if a person suffers from a particular set of allergies, like allergies to pollen, the Shih Tzu could still cause allergy problems.

The Shih Tzu doesn’t shed or drool, which makes them a good choice for people who are allergic to dogs, but they can still spread pollen from on their fur when outside to the entire house.

Rubbing hair against furniture or sitting on things and leaving allergens around the house is another reason people who have severe allergies are recommended not to get a dog regardless of being hypoallergenic.

There are things a parent can do to make their life easier if someone suffers from major allergies in the house and still wants a dog.

For instance, with a Shih Tzu, before they enter the house, they can be quickly brushed using gloves. The procedure should occur outdoors or somewhere that the allergens on the dog’s hair won’t cause harm.

Brushing them every time they come inside during peak allergy seasons will reduce the risk of suffering inside the home. Aside from that, daily grooming will also help.

Is grooming a good way to help make or keep a dog hypoallergenic?

Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic 1 1 Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic? Answered!

No, grooming is not a good way to help make or keep a dog hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic is not something you can make the dog become. Either they are born hypoallergenic or not. There is nothing a pet parent needs to do as far as keeping a Shih Tzu hypoallergenic. They are hypoallergenic due to breeding and background.

Whether or not you brush them, they will still be hypoallergenic, and it will be the same if you do or don’t bathe the Shih Tzu. Even if you trim their hair, they are still hypoallergenic as it’s a part of their breed background.

Grooming does serve a purpose for the dog and the humans around them. For starters, grooming keeps your dog’s hair and skin healthy, but it shouldn’t be done too often, or the reverse can happen; they wind up with a rash or irritated skin as the oils are stripped with too much bathing.

Grooming also helps keep other allergens off their hair when bathed and brushed regularly. Grooming allows the pet parent to examine the dog, their teeth, paws, and everywhere else to make sure they are healthy.

Do I have to take any precautions when I have a Shih Tzu in my house if I am allergic?

This answer depends on your doctor and your health. At first, you may need to take precautions to see how your body reacts to having a dog. 

The breed doesn’t always matter, and this should be done, and it is recommended to do it this way before adopting. You can go to the breeder or wherever the Shih Tzu is located and hang out with them, play and spend time, and see how you handle that first visit and subsequent visits.

If you don’t suffer issues while petting, holding, and being near them, the Shih Tzu is a good dog breed for you to select. If, however, you end up suffering, it is best to pick another dog, another pet, or talk to your doctor.

Regardless of your allergies and how your body handles a Shih Tzu inside the home or out, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to prevent your Shih Tzu from going into your bedroom.

Our bedrooms are a safe haven for us to sleep and restore our health. Letting a dog inside your sanctuary if they haven’t been brushed or you suffer from any kind of allergies puts you at risk of suffering.

Pollen and dander can end up on your pillow, and then you put your head on it to sleep. From there, you inhale many things that the Shih Tzu brought in and sleep this way for hours before getting up to feel horrible and unhealthy.

Is a Shih Tzu good for my child that suffers from allergies?

Yes, but it depends on the age of the children and the dog. Regardless of breeding, some dogs don’t like little people, while others enjoy playtime with big and little kids. This dog breed can be playful and fun, but no matter what, every dog should be watched with small children, regardless of breeding and age.

Since their hair is hypoallergenic, they usually don’t cause issues. Still, anything is possible until you have spoken with the kid’s doctor. It’s a good idea at first to let the dog and kid bond but discourage letting the kid kiss the dog’s hair or give long snuggles and hugs.

What does it mean for a dog to be hypoallergenic?

Hypoallergenic is a term that refers to the dog’s breeding and specifically to the type of fur or hair they have. In simple terms, a hypoallergenic dog has hair that doesn’t shed very much off its body.

They also don’t drool as much, and these two factors help make them a dog breed that may be less likely to cause allergies in people who suffer.

This is not always the case, as some people suffer more intense allergies or have hypersensitive immune systems that react in a negative way to many things.

While this term is used to describe certain dog breeds, it should never be the only thing that determines if a dog is right for someone with severe allergies.

Closing Points

Allergies are a complex body reaction caused by many things. It can seem like owning a dog will not be a part of their life for those who suffer.

Hypoallergenic dogs may or may not be the answer; either way, they’re cute and adorable!

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