At What Age is A Cocker Spaniel No Longer A Puppy?

Dogs age and mature must faster than humans. 

What would be a toddler in human years would be an adult or near-adult to a dog.

Dogs tend to become fully mature with their “adult weight” at ages 2-3. Some dogs mature slower and some others faster.

At What Age is A Cocker Spaniel Fully Grown

The age that marks when a Cocker Spaniel isno longer a puppy is 24 months old or 2 years old. At this point, Cocker Spaniels will reach their maximum weight. They get their adult weight at around 12 months or 1 year old. 


Adult Cocker Spaniels have an average height of 15.5-16 inches if they are male or 15-15.5 inches tall if they are female. 

They are one of the smaller dog breeds out there, even though their fluffy hair can make them seem bigger. 


For the weight of a fully grown Cocker Spaniel, they typically weigh 7-14 kg or 15.4-30.8 lb. For a healthy Cocker Spaniel, it is good to keep them around this weight.

Having high-quality dog food will help your dog manage its weight while also keeping them healthy and strong. 

For keeping track of your dog’s weight as it grows from a puppy to an adult, you can reference a growth chart. 

Some veterinarians will provide you with a growth chart, but you can easily look one up online. 

Here are some of the main growing points with their weight. 

  • 3 months – 3.1-5.8 kg
  • 6 months – 5.6-10.7 kg
  • 9 months – 6.8-12.9 kg
  • 12 months – 7-13.8 kg

At 12 months, many Cocker Spaniels will have reached their primary adult weight and height. 

Though, sometimes they will continue to mature until they are 24 months old and will have what’s called a “maximum weight.”

Can I Predict How Big My Cocker Spaniel Will Get?

At What Age is A Cocker Spaniel No Longer A Puppy 1 At What Age is A Cocker Spaniel No Longer A Puppy?

While no prediction will be completely accurate, there are a few methods to give you an insight into how big your Cocker Spaniel will grow. 

The easiest method is by looking at their paws.

Puppies are normally born with their “grown-up paws” which is to say that puppies have big paws when they are born. 

They will grow into their paws as they get older, and their paws won’t grow much more. 

Looking at the size of their paws can give a prediction of how big they’ll be. Bigger paws mean bigger dogs

This method won’t give you an exact measurement, but it can be a decent general prediction.

You can also have your Cocker Spaniel get a DNA test which will give you a more specific predicted weight. 

The DNA test will take into consideration your dog’s genes and will be able to predict their future size based on what the genes say. 

One last method is looking to the parents. A good breeder will have your dog’s parents on file with their information and measurements. 

To get a good general prediction on how big your Cocker Spaniel will be, you look at how big its parents were/are. 

This won’t give you a specific answer but will still give good insight. 

What Will Impact the Size of My Cocker Spaniel?

The size of your dog is not set in stone from the time they are born. 

Sure, DNA is a big factor in the height and weight your dog will end up being, but there are also outside factors that will impact how big they will get. 


As said before, genetics do play a large part in how big your dog will be. 

From looking at how big the parents are to looking at your dog’s specific DNA, this information will be a solid base for estimating how big they will be. 

However, as no person is an exact combination of their parents, neither are dogs. 


Nutrition is a huge outside factor in how big your Cocker Spaniel will get.

Many people have probably seen pictures of dogs brought into animal hospitals or shelters that are severely underweight from being starved. 

Not getting proper nutrition, even if it’s not starvation, can stunt the growth of your dog.

There are many cheap and low-quality dog foods out there that could possibly harm your dog and therefore stunt its growth. 

Having good and healthy food for your Cocker Spaniel can help ensure that they will reach their ideal weight. 

Nutrition can impact weight in the other direction too. 

With the wrong nutrition habits, your dog can become overweight and that might possibly harm their health. 

To learn about what dog food and food habits will be the best for your dog is talking to the veterinarian. 

They can give you an idea of what kinds of food to get no matter what stage of life your dog is currently in. 


Of course, the amount of exercise your Cocker Spaniel will impact the size they are. 

Exercise won’t impact height, but it surely can impact weight.

More active Cocker Spaniels will weigh less than less active Cocker Spaniels. 

Though Cocker Spaniels are known for having high energy, so it is more likely that they will be pretty active. 

Other Health Conditions

There is always the possibility of an underlying health condition impacting the size of your dog. 

Harsh diseases, such as cancer or any digestive disorder can cause your dog to be a lot smaller than the average Cocker Spaniel. 

You will also want to be aware of the possibility of injuries. 

Again, these dogs have a lot of energy and so they like to run around and have fun. 

When they are still growing, they have weaker bones that can lead to a broken bone or another injury. 

The recovery process of an injury can impact how big your Cocker Spaniel will be either from not wanting to eat, medications, or not wanting to move. 

What is the Life Expectancy of a Cocker Spaniel?

Most dogs live an average of 14-15 years, depending on their breed and their health. 

The average life expectancy of a Cocker Spaniel is 12-14 years, on the lower end of the average dog life span. 

However, there are different types of Cocker Spaniels, and they have different life expectancies. 

The American Cocker Spaniel lives around 10-14 years while the English Cocker Spaniel lives longer at 12-15 years.

Many of the same attributes that impact the size of a Cocker Spaniel will also impact their life expectancy. 

Nutrition, exercise, overall health, and genetics all play a role in how long your dog will live. 

Of course, nothing is set in stone as some Cocker Spaniels will live for longer than the range. 

There have been Cocker Spaniels that have lived to be 19 years old. 

What are the Health Problems Cocker Spaniels Are Prone to Have?

Sadly, no dog is immune to health problems.

Cocker Spaniels have their list of possible health problems that they can experience throughout life. 

Many of these problems are genetic so it’s good to see what health problems the parents had so you can be aware. 

Cocker Spaniels are prone to cataracts that can lead to blindness. 

This isn’t painful and can be stopped with surgery. Many dogs adjust well to the slow process of going blind.

These dogs are also prone to problems with their hips and other joints. 

Active sporting dogs, such as the Cocker Spaniel, tend to be rough on their joints when they are still growing. 

This can lead to problems like hip dysplasia, knee pain, or even broken bones. 

Getting their joints checked regularly can help catch or prevent these problems. 

Cocker Spaniels can also have thyroid problems. 

These problems stem from many causes, but it is common enough that they will be a part of a typical veterinarian examination. 

There are also several other problems to look out for, but the ones listed above are the most common.

Having regular checkups can catch any problem before it gets too severe.

Preventative care helps make sure that your Cocker Spaniel will be both the proper size and live for a longer amount of time. 

Final Thoughts

Cocker Spaniels have a relatively stable height and weight throughout their life.

They can get up to 16 inches in height and 14 kg in weight. 

However, there are differences in both the age of your Cocker Spaniel and whether they are male or female.

Many things that can impact the size of your Cocker Spaniel. The most impactful size indicator is genetics. 

With either a DNA test or looking at the parent’s files, you can get a prediction of how big your Cocker Spaniel will be.

However, things like nutrition, exercise, and health problems also can impact the size of your dog.

Monitoring their height and weight as they grow can help you make sure they are on the right track.

Cocker Spaniels are sweet and energetic, making them fun dogs to have as companions. They are also great to pet with how fluffy they are. 

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