When Should a Labradoodle Be Neutered?

If you have a Labradoodle, you might be wondering when you can get it neutered (or spayed, if you have a female).

Getting a dog neutered is an important part of its reproductive health. 

It can also help cut down on unwanted behaviors such as marking and aggressiveness. 

Getting the Labradoodle neutered in a timely manner can also ensure it recovers quicker and has fewer health problems in the future. 

When Should a Labradoodle Be Neutered? 

Most vets will recommend you get your Labradoodle neutered between 4 and 9 months of age. The exact age will depend on their sex and any health conditions they may have. You can consult your vet for an exact timeline and see what they suggest. 

You might be wondering how to start the process of getting your Labradoodle neutered. 

We will discuss the dos and don’ts in this post. 

We will also discuss how to know when your Labradoodle should be neutered. 

Why Should I Have My Labradoodle Spayed or Neutered? 

Getting your Labradoodle spayed or neutered will drastically improve their quality of life. 

It will also ensure you don’t have to worry about a litter of puppies that you can’t take care of. 

If you have two pets in the same household that is the opposite sex, you will want to make sure they are both neutered or spayed. 

This will lead to unwanted behaviors and the potential for them to have babies. 

If you have a female Labradoodle, spaying has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer uterine infections. 

For male dogs, neutering them can prevent the risk of testicular cancer.

If you are worried about your dog getting one of these diseases, make sure you get them neutered so their chances of developing them are less. 

For behavioral issues, it’s more important for a male dog to get fixed than a female dog. 

Neutering can help prevent aggressive and territorial behaviors. 

It also means they are less likely to run out of the house on the hunt for a potential partner. 

Getting your male dog neutered can also prevent unwanted humping behavior which will make guests and dog sitters more comfortable in your home. 

Remember that it’s important not to have puppies unless you are truly ready. 

Millions of animals are euthanized every year because there are not enough willing dog owners. 

You want to ensure your dog doesn’t get accidentally pregnant as you may not be able to find proper owners for all the puppies. 

When Should a Labradoodle Be Neutered When Should a Labradoodle Be Neutered?

Stops Marking Behaviors 

Marking is when your dog fully raises his leg and pees on something.

This might be annoying if you are trying to walk or exercise with him, and she stops constantly to do this.

In some dogs, they might also start to do it inside if there are other dogs in the house. 

Testosterone in dogs makes them want to compete with other male dogs and pee on everything so their scent stays behind. 

Without as much testosterone in their bodies, they are less likely to mark constantly. 

Less Humping 

If you notice that your dog has started humping people or objects, you might want to stop this behavior. 

Being neutered causes them to have fewer urges to hump and mount other dogs and visitors to your home.

You might even see that the humping stops completely. 

Reduces Chance of Inferior Genetic Traits 

Neutering your dog decreases the chance of unplanned breeding. 

Most Labradoodle breeders choose dogs that have superior genetics so that the offspring is less likely to develop common labradoodle health problems including hip dysplasia, eye problems, and chronic ear infections. 

Neutering can also reduce the stray dog population and the chances of dogs being put in the pound and not being able to find forever homes. 

Are There Any Disadvantages to Neutering My labradoodle? 

While there are more benefits than disadvantages when it comes to neutering your Labradoodle, there are some problems you might want to be aware of before doing the procedure. 

More Likely to Become Obese 

Neutering your dog slows down his metabolic rate. This means it becomes harder for them to obtain a healthy weight. 

This means you might want to start feeding him fewer calories and exercising them more. 

If your dog already has tendencies to be obese or has certain genes, your vet might caution you against neutering him. 

Potential Growth Problems 

If your dog does not get neutered within the proper time frame, it might not have all the hormones they need to grow and develop correctly. 

They can also start having joint problems if they don’t get neutered at the right time. 

Make sure you consult the vet before you make any decisions or schedule surgery. 

Inability to Breed 

Neutering cannot be reversed. If you think you might want to breed your Labradoodle, you shouldn’t get them neutered. 

If your Labradoodle has very good genes, they won’t be able to breed and pass these desirable genes on. 

Breeding is a serious decision though. It shouldn’t be done for money or gain. Breeding also takes experience. 

If you want your dog to be able to pass on its genes, take some time to research breeding. You might also want to consult other breeders and ask for advice. 

What Age Should a Labradoodle Be Spayed or Neutered?

Your vet will advise you on the appropriate age to spay or neuter your dog. They will make sure the puppy is not too young or too old. 

Keep in mind though that female Labradoodles can start reproducing at just four months old.

Male Labradoodles can begin reproducing at 6 months old. 

If you have other dogs living in the home and the dog could potentially become pregnant or get another dog pregnant, begin discussing with your vet right away to get them fixed. 

You will also probably want to discuss them getting neutered as soon as you start to notice unwanted behaviors such as aggressiveness, marking, or humping. 

Bring this up with your vet and see what they suggest. 

Neutering the dog at the wrong age may cause them to have growth problems. Make sure you don’t wait too long and always follow the vet’s advice. 

Will Neutering a Labradoodle Calm Him Down?

Many people wonder if neutering a male Labradoodle will change their personality. 

Many animal experts and vets say that it doesn’t completely change the dog’s personality, but it can have some changes in their temperament and behaviors. 

Most of the changes are for the better though. 

If you are worried about a major personality change, consult the vet before the operation. They will be able to advise you based on your dog’s personality. 

Labradoodles are not generally aggressive, but they can show unwanted behavior including aggression when it comes to food, territory, and sex. 

If you allow this behavior to continue and training doesn’t seem to be working, you might end up with a dog that becomes a threat to strangers and the people living in your house.

Neutering a Labradoodle can make him more passive and calmer. 

This is because the testable are removed where most of the testosterone is made in dogs. 

Without the testicles and high amounts of testosterone, you can be sure your Labradoodle will have fewer tendencies to show aggressive behavior. 

Keep in mind that it takes 2 weeks to 6 months for a Labradoodle to show a difference in behavior. It won’t start right away. 

If you don’t notice a difference, give it some more time and see what happens. 

After 6 months, if the aggressive behavior has become worse or hasn’t changed, consult the vet and see if they have any advice or recommendations. 

Does A Neutering Procedure for Dogs Hurt?

If you have the procedure done at a reputable and safe vet, your dog should not experience any pain or discomfort. 

The procedure also doesn’t have any extra risks that other procedures don’t have. Your dog will be put under anesthesia, so they don’t feel the procedure or pain. 

After the procedure, they will need to wear a cone, so they don’t lick or bite the incision site. 

If you remove the cone too early and they bite the wound, it can cause them pain. 

You should also check the site for a few days after surgery to make sure there are no signs of infection or problems. 

If you notice pus or swelling, take them back to the vet right away. 

As long as infections or issues are treated early, they shouldn’t cause your dog pain. 

The risk of infections is also very low as long your dog wears their cone.

Always make sure to follow the doctor’s instructions after the surgery and call their office if you have any questions.

Final Thoughts 

Neutering your Labradoodle should always be done with advice from your vet. It’s usually done around 4 to 9 months of age depending on your dog and their health.

The procedure is common and doesn’t cause any harm. 

It can also ensure your Labradoodle stays healthy and has a long life. 

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