Are Male Or Female Boston Terriers Easier To Train?
If having a well-trained dog is important to you, then you’ll want to do everything you can upfront to set you and your Boston Terrier up for success.
Starting training early and giving them the right diet is great, but the individual Boston Terrier that you pick from the litter will also have characteristics that will make training easier or harder.
Specifically, your Boston Terriers’ sex will play a huge role in determining their trainability. So the question becomes: are male or female Boston Terriers easier to train?
Are Male Or Female Boston Terriers Easier To Train?
It is believed that female Boston Terriers are slightly easier to train than males, but this is based on personal experiences from individual pet owners. Whether or not this is truly the case for all Boston Terriers is less clear.
Most references of one gender being easier to train than the other is from personal Boston Terrier owners and lack the actual comparison to the opposite gender.
Both the male and the female Boston Terrier have advantages and disadvantages in training.
In any dog breed, each gender and, of course, each individual dog will have their strengths and weaknesses in a variety of areas.
These strengths and weaknesses are not linked to being male or female and are more about who they are as a dog, their environment, how they are treated, and breeding.
It is possible that many females are easier to train for a specific task while males might have strengths and be easier to train in another area.
Research, comparison, and studies are not available to say for certain if a male or female is easier to train in one dog breed or another.
Females of any dog breed will have strengths that make it easier to be trained, but if given the right circumstances, such as hormonal changes may cause them to be harder to train.
The same can be said for male dogs of any breed.
Instincts, growth, and changes to their environment may make training harder. When the training begins, what they learn and who the trainer is can also determine how successful and easy training is for a Boston Terrier.
Every dog breed, including the Boston Terrier, will have strengths that will make training them easier.
Each dog in this breed will have strengths that will help make training easier.
Some dogs will have trouble or issues, whether within themselves or from their environment, making training harder.

It is believed that some dogs are easier to train when they are trained by a specific gender, such as a female Boston Terrier responding better to a male trainer but again, determining this truth as fact is not simple.
Whether a Boston Terrier is male or female, it is always best to focus on their strengths when training them and peacefully work around their weaknesses.
For a female Boston Terrier, this can mean no training when in heat.
It can mean training a male away from other dogs in the household, so you have their undivided attention.
Every dog can be easy to train if the trainer is skilled, knowledgeable, and takes time to get to know the puppy or dog.
Like children with challenges, finding the right teacher or trainer can make all the difference and the process easier.
Some dogs respond better to trainers with different personalities and different approaches to the same scenario or learning.
If you want to do the training yourself at home and not hire a professional, the best place to start is with yourself.
Regardless of gender, it would help if you had a solid bond with your Boston Terrier puppy or work towards that before training begins.
Having a solid bond with trust, patience, understanding, and respect creates the foundation, so the dog is more likely to listen and learn what is being taught.
Some Boston Terriers will have a strong desire to please their owner, while others will not.
Some will be good around children because they are mellow, and others will have greater focus, which makes the task easier.
Whatever the case, having a strong foundation with your Boston Terrier, regardless of male or female, and knowing them beyond their gender will help make everything easier.
They are not all cookies from the same cookie jar, they can’t be stuffed into one box just like we humans, and they shouldn’t be treated as such.
The diversity between the two genders in a dog enhances many things, but it is never ONLY being male or female that determines those things.
If neither male nor female Boston Terrier is easier to train, how do I know which gender is right for me?
The best way to know which gender of Boston Terrier is right for you is to look at the whole picture of the puppy or dog.
This includes looking at your life, home environment, and family members, including other fur babies.
Looking at the many factors that shape your life and how a Boston Terrier will blend into that world can help you decide which gender is better.
Realistically neither gender is better than the other; both are perfect just as they are, but if you have a house filled with other dogs and they are all male, getting a female may or may not be right for your situation.
Since Boston Terriers are happy, friendly, and energetic dogs training them will not be an issue if you are confident in training.
You will want to select a dog not based on gender necessarily but on what will blend best with your situation and family.
Many factors help a person determine which dog is right for them.
Usually, it is not based solely on gender.
Even if you have your heart set on one specific gender, more than one Boston Terrier puppy of that gender may make the process more difficult.
Closing Points
Whether you have a male or female Boston Terrier, each will be easy to train in their own way.
What training they are to receive, who they are, and where they are in their growth will determine how easy or hard it is.
Even if training is not easy, Boston Terriers have many strengths that outweigh their weaknesses unrelated to gender.
Confidence in who you are as a trainer and using a good training method will often make training easier.
If that turns out not to be the case, sometimes it’s just a matter of knowing your individual dog and being patient but persistent.