How Often Do Beagles Need to Be Walked?
The activity levels that a dog needs highly vary among the different breeds.
Some dogs love to lay around and sleep all day while other breeds need lots of exercise every day.
One of the best ways to get in this needed exercise is through walks.
They allow dogs to get their exercise while exploring the world with their owner.
How Often Do Beagles Need to Be Walked?
To get a good amount of exercise, an adult Beagle needs at least 1 walk per day. Though, the best number of walks for a Beagle is two shorter walks per day. These small dogs have quite a bit of energy, so frequent but shorter walks are the best for them.
Beagles are high-energy dogs that are super curious about the world.
They tend to get bored quickly which can lead to behavioral problems and mischief.
The best way for them to use both their brain and body to keep their energy levels stable is through plenty of exercise.
That way, they won’t have enough energy to get into trouble later on.
Walking is a great way for a dog to get exercise as it is low impact, works their brain by exploring the world, and can stretch your dog’s muscles while also working them out.
Also, walks are easy for the owner too as they can be done in your neighborhood.
Some Beagles love to go on walks and would be outside all day long if they could.
It is said that Beagles need about 1 hour of exercise per day and walks are a great way to get that hour in.
For adult Beagles, doing 2 walks of around 30 minutes (or more if your Beagle likes) is the ideal walking schedule.
However, puppies need less exercise as walking too much can be too hard on their developing bones.
For puppies, they should be walked for a max of 1 mile per day.
1 mile is about a 30-minute walk, so half of what an adult Beagle should get a day.
What Should I Bring on A Walk?

For a 10-minute walk, you don’t have to bring much with you.
However, Beagles don’t do a simply 10-minute walk.
Long walks require more things to be brought with you since you have to prepare to be outside for a longer amount of time.
Always Bring Water
No matter what the temperature is, you should always bring water with you while on a walk.
Dogs can get dehydrated quickly and with Beagles being smaller dogs, they need to drink water more frequently.
Bringing water for your dog can be as simple as packing a water bottle and a small bowl.
When you see that your Beagle is panting a lot and needs some water, simply fill the bowl up with a small amount of water and let your Beagle drink.
Waste Bags
When you take your dog out on a walk, you are responsible for picking up after them. Some dog parks might provide you with waste bags, but you should always bring your own just in case they don’t or if you won’t be near a park.
Dog Shoes
This is completely optional and up to the temperature and the dog.
When it gets warm out, the sidewalk can heat up quickly and be too hot for the dog’s paws.
One way that people have gotten around this is by purchasing dog shoes.
As the name implies, they are small shoes for your dog that will provide an extra layer between the pads of their paws and the sidewalk.
Not every dog will allow you to put these shoes on them, so this might not work for your dog.
If your Beagle hates having its paws touched, then this is a very unlikely tool that your dog will use.
How Can I Keep My Beagle Mentally Engaged While on A Walk?
Beagles get bored quickly, that’s why exercise is so important for them.
However, when on long walks or on a walk in an area they know very well, they may start to get bored.
Of course, you can always take them to a new location to walk around in, but there are some other ways that they can have mental stimulation even in areas they know well.
One good way to keep your Beagle mentally stimulated while on a long walk is to practice training commands.
Especially when your Beagle is young, practicing basic training commands such as sit, stay, and lead can improve your Beagle’s learning both with and without the leash.
Some dogs enjoy training so it can be good to combine exercise with training.
Besides, it gets 2 tasks done at once!
You can also practice leadership with your dog by allowing your Beagle to explore to their own accord, within reason of course.
Letting your dog lead you for a bit allows them to have some autonomy over their walk and lets them feel pride when they show you something that they have discovered.
Keeping You Beagle Safe While on a Walk
Keeping your Beagle safe is super important when you go out for any reason.
There continue to be too many causes of dogs getting hurt from taking an unsafe path or the dog trying to run out into the street.
A Retractable Leash
Having a retractable leash can be super helpful when taking your dog on a walk.
With a retractable leash, you can both give them control of going far out to explore while also being able to pull them closer when on a busier path.
A Walking Harness
You may also want to get a dog walking harness to clip their leash onto.
Beagles are known for their escaping abilities which can be dangerous if they manage to escape their leash while next to a busy road.
A walking harness is harder to escape from which will make the walking experience a much safer one.
Don’t Forget the Water
Even though it was discussed before, it is still super important to bring water when on a walk.
You don’t want your dog to get dehydrated while you are out as the effects of dehydration can be bad for your dog.
Train Basic Commands Before Going Out
Before beginning to take your Beagle out on walks, they should have an idea of some of the basic commands first.
“Stop” and “stay” are 2 very important commands for them to follow while out on a walk.
If your Beagle starts to pull you to a street or they do manage to escape, having them know stop and stay commands can help make sure they don’t get hurt.
With this, have some treats on you to give them when they do follow a command that you have given.
That way, they will continue to learn those commands and follow them more often as they hear them more.
Other Forms of Exercise That Your Beagle Can Get
There are more forms of exercise than just walking.
While walking is a great form of exercise for all the benefits that it has, Beagles can get exercise through other activities too.
You can bring your Beagle to a dog park and let them run around and socialize with other dogs.
For a puppy that is learning how to be around other dogs, this socialization can be beneficial in preventing dog social anxiety.
Your Beagle can also get exercise from running around in your backyard.
If you have a large backyard with plenty of room to run around in, you may enjoy playing ball or fetch with your Beagle. Having outdoor toys for your Beagle to play with can be great on those days when you don’t want to walk around the neighborhood or the dog park.
Don’t Want to Take Your Beagle Out on A Walk?
If you want your Beagle to go on walks but you don’t want to or can’t take your Beagle on a walk yourself, you can always hire a dog walker.
Many young adults or teens become dog walkers to make some extra money.
There are also professional dog walkers that you can hire as well.
Of course, with the number of walks that your Beagle needs, this might be an expensive option. However, the option is still there.
Final Thoughts
Again, an adult Beagle needs at least 1 walk a day, though 2 walks are ideal.
The best walking schedule for your Beagle is 2 walks a day for at least 30-minutes.
Beagles have a lot of energy, and they have to use up that energy somehow.
Walks are a great way to get exercise as they are easy on your Beagle’s joints and are a great stretch/workout combo.
Keeping your Beagle happy and healthy is so important in your dog’s life.
Making sure they get exercise makes sure that they feel more fulfilled.
Besides, exercise is a great way to prevent other health issues that an unhealthy Beagle may face.